Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thunder Struck and Bailey Ducked

As the warmth of Spring pushes the remaining cold of last winter behind us thunderstorms become a common occurrence. Maybe it is just me but the storms over the last few years seem to be more fierce than in years past. Either way, the loud booms of thunder strikes fear in the heart of one of our dogs, Bailey.

Someone once told use that Bailey was a Blue-Tick Hound Dog, though we are sure he is a mix of something. Great dog, very loyal and obedient Bailey loves the outdoors. Out backyard is his playground, and he is not afraid to let everyone know he is in the neighborhood.

The other night was one of our first thunderstorms of the new season, and Bailey was terrified. Normally he would spend the night laying quietly on the floor, but not this night. As soon as the first crack of thunder struck Bailey was pacing around the room and trying to jump over the gate we had put up to keep him from eating our daughters snack.

He howled and wept until my wife went into the room. Bailey jumped up with his two paws grasping at her shirt as if he wanted to be picked up. However, Bailey is not a small dog. My wife sat on the floor and let Bailey lay in her lap. After a few minutes it was time to get our daughter ready for bed, and Bailey once again began pacing the room and trying to jump the gate.

Once our daughter was in bed and asleep Bailey was given a bath and we made a little bed for him on the floor next to ours. He quickly made himself comfortable and settled in for the night without making another sound.

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